Erratum to: Arch Dermatol Res (2010) 302:67–70 DOI 10.1007/s00403-009-1003-1

Unfortunately, the original version of this article contains some mistakes in “Results” section (the correction also reflects some changes in Figure caption 3 and Table 1), which we correct here.

Table 1 Summary of CYLD gene mutations in patients with multiple familial trichoepithelioma


Direct DNA sequencing showed a novel heterozygous missense mutation (2335G>A) in exon 17 of CYLD gene. This mutation results in replacement of Asp (GAT) by Asn (AAT) at amino acid Asp779Asn (Fig. 3). It was not found in any of the healthy controls showing that it is a novel pathogenic mutation, not a common polymorphism.

Figure caption 3

Mutant sequence and wild-type sequence show missense mutation in exon 17 causing a Asp779Asn change in CYLD gene.